Sunday, November 1, 2009

Recently, we have got so many questions from friends and family wanting to know how we knew we were pregnant and if we were trying. The answers to those questions are, we didn’t know and we weren’t trying!

We were preventing, but certain symptoms led us to take a pregnancy test. My mild flu like symptoms, the odd car sickness, and the general “not feeling like myself”. I was certain that I wasn’t, but after I was five days late, I knew I had to at least see. Eugene had drill and was in the shower upstairs. I didn’t even tell him I was going to take a test. (From us talking about it, he was pretty sure I wasn’t either.) I went in, took the test, and it turned positive…in all of thirty seconds. I left it on the sink for him to see when he shaved. He came downstairs and starting getting his stuff together to shave. He didn’t see the test when he started running water, or when he started to wet his face. He saw it when he looked down to grab his shaving cream. He started shouting (and I do mean shouting), “have you SEEN this? Honey, have you seen THIS?” I started crying and said yes. It’s not that I wasn’t happy about being pregnant, but I knew from that moment on, our lives were changing and we would never get back these care free, do what we want moments again.

In general, he is a bit more excited than I am (I’m sure that will change though), but he also doesn’t have something lying on his bladder all day. So, he can be excited, I’ll wait until this nausea passes and then I’ll make up my mind.